3 min
Press release
National Skills Passport
KARACHI (ILO News) - 24 February 2023: The International Labour organisation’s project “Governance of Labour Migration in South and Southeast Asia” (GOALS) funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) provided technical and financial support to the Employers Federation of Pakistan (EFP) to convene launch ceremony of piloting National Skills Passport in Pakistan in collaboration with Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA), Ministry of Overseas Pakistani and Human Resources Development (MOP&HRD), representative of Overseas Employment Corporation (OEC), Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment (BE&OE) and National Vocational &Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC).
Prior to launch ceremony, the first steering committee working group meeting was also convened at Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA). Senior Federal and provincial Government delegates joined the meeting for the smooth implementation of National Skills Pilot Project.
The launch ceremony was attended by more than 100 delegates from UN Agencies, development partners, civil society organizations, Pakistan Workers Federation (PWF), Pakistan Overseas Employment Promoters Association (POEPA), and Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs). A detailed presentation on salient features of National Skill Passport was shared with the participants.
Mr Fasiul Karim Siddiqi, Vice president, Employer’s Federation of Pakistan appraised the ILO support to launch National Skills Passport in Pakistan. This is the need of time to extend National Skills Passport for the workers within the country as well aspiring migrant workers. This initiative will help to match skills of workers in local and foreign labour markets. He thanked ILO for its kind support.
Mr Geir Tonstoel, Country Director, International Labour Organization (ILO) referred to National Skills Passport is a comprehensive portfolio of an individual’s skills acquired through formal and informal work undertaken by a worker. Skills passport will ensure that qualifications, skills, expertise, and experience of a worker are recorded in a systematic manner, linking it with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) platform, which facilitates to recognize informally acquired knowledge, skills and competencies through formal assessments and certifications. Skills passport enables employers, workers and governments to compare and document the skills and qualifications of workers, which will be available for returnee migrant workers at the initial stage. It is essentially a "gateway" to finding a job and accessing the need for further training for re-skilling and up-skilling. The ILO’s initiative National Skills Passport contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially SDG 8 on decent work for all, including migrant workers. The ILO firmly believes that today’s event is a first step that brings together relevant stakeholders to establish a system for skills assessment and recognition that provides support to migrant workers and Pakistani workers in general to become more visible to potential employers in Pakistan.
Mr Naseer Khan Kashani, Managing Director, Overseas Employment Corporation that this initiative will help us support our migrant workers in country of destination. He emphasized that we need to speed up the implementation process and we can learn more from Sri Lanka and Philippine models. He also appreciated ILO and EFP efforts to bring all the stakeholders on board to make this great initiative in Pakistan. He assured his organization’s full support for National Skills Passport implementation process.
Mr Saleem Raza Jalbani, Chairperson, Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA) highlighted that migrant worker supporting Pakistan by sending remittances. If Pakistani migrant workers doesn’t have recognition of skills or low skills means they will have low profile jobs ultimately results in low remittances. High skills referred to high profile job in international labour market and country will receive good remittances. Skills Passport is not just a card, its portfolio of an individual to find a decent work opportunity. Secondly, skilled and certified workers are most preferred in international labor market. Mr. Jalbani, said, on behalf Government of Sindh, STEVTA will provide full cooperation to adopt the NSP as a regular program and particularly for migrant worker.
Mr Shahzad Ahmed, the National Project Officer of the GOALS Programme, shared that ILO Country Office for Pakistan highly commends the efforts of Federal and provincial governments. Mr. Ahmed thanked all the stakeholders and appreciated their keen interest to and support to introduce in National skills passport in Pakistan.
The event was organized by UN Joint Programme “Governance of Labour Migration in South and Southeast Asia” (GOALS) funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).
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KARACHI (ILO News) - 24 February 2023: The International Labour organisation’s project “Governance of Labour Migration in South and Southeast Asia” (GOALS) funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) provided technical and financial support to the Employers Federation of Pakistan (EFP) to convene launch ceremony of piloting National Skills Passport in Pakistan in collaboration with Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA), Ministry of Overseas Pakistani and Human Resources Development (MOP&HRD), representative of Overseas Employment Corporation (OEC), Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment (BE&OE) and National Vocational &Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC).
Prior to launch ceremony, the first steering committee working group meeting was also convened at Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA). Senior Federal and provincial Government delegates joined the meeting for the smooth implementation of National Skills Pilot Project.
The launch ceremony was attended by more than 100 delegates from UN Agencies, development partners, civil society organizations, Pakistan Workers Federation (PWF), Pakistan Overseas Employment Promoters Association (POEPA), and Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs). A detailed presentation on salient features of National Skill Passport was shared with the participants.
Mr Fasiul Karim Siddiqi, Vice president, Employer’s Federation of Pakistan appraised the ILO support to launch National Skills Passport in Pakistan. This is the need of time to extend National Skills Passport for the workers within the country as well aspiring migrant workers. This initiative will help to match skills of workers in local and foreign labour markets. He thanked ILO for its kind support.
Mr Geir Tonstoel, Country Director, International Labour Organization (ILO) referred to National Skills Passport is a comprehensive portfolio of an individual’s skills acquired through formal and informal work undertaken by a worker. Skills passport will ensure that qualifications, skills, expertise, and experience of a worker are recorded in a systematic manner, linking it with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) platform, which facilitates to recognize informally acquired knowledge, skills and competencies through formal assessments and certifications. Skills passport enables employers, workers and governments to compare and document the skills and qualifications of workers, which will be available for returnee migrant workers at the initial stage. It is essentially a "gateway" to finding a job and accessing the need for further training for re-skilling and up-skilling. The ILO’s initiative National Skills Passport contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially SDG 8 on decent work for all, including migrant workers. The ILO firmly believes that today’s event is a first step that brings together relevant stakeholders to establish a system for skills assessment and recognition that provides support to migrant workers and Pakistani workers in general to become more visible to potential employers in Pakistan.
Mr Naseer Khan Kashani, Managing Director, Overseas Employment Corporation that this initiative will help us support our migrant workers in country of destination. He emphasized that we need to speed up the implementation process and we can learn more from Sri Lanka and Philippine models. He also appreciated ILO and EFP efforts to bring all the stakeholders on board to make this great initiative in Pakistan. He assured his organization’s full support for National Skills Passport implementation process.
Mr Saleem Raza Jalbani, Chairperson, Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA) highlighted that migrant worker supporting Pakistan by sending remittances. If Pakistani migrant workers doesn’t have recognition of skills or low skills means they will have low profile jobs ultimately results in low remittances. High skills referred to high profile job in international labour market and country will receive good remittances. Skills Passport is not just a card, its portfolio of an individual to find a decent work opportunity. Secondly, skilled and certified workers are most preferred in international labor market. Mr. Jalbani, said, on behalf Government of Sindh, STEVTA will provide full cooperation to adopt the NSP as a regular program and particularly for migrant worker.
Mr Shahzad Ahmed, the National Project Officer of the GOALS Programme, shared that ILO Country Office for Pakistan highly commends the efforts of Federal and provincial governments. Mr. Ahmed thanked all the stakeholders and appreciated their keen interest to and support to introduce in National skills passport in Pakistan.
The event was organized by UN Joint Programme “Governance of Labour Migration in South and Southeast Asia” (GOALS) funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).
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National Skills Passport is being introduced in Pakistan with a pilot program. The purpose is to formally recognize the skills of workers, returning and migrant workers to help them with better work opportunities.