EFP has formed a NSP Pilot Team who will implement the pilot by leveraging solutions from service providers and support from relevant stakeholders.
EFP has planned and designed the NSP pilot with the technical support and guidelines of ILO and in coordination of STEVTA, NAVTTC, MOPHRD, TTB and other stakeholders.
M&E of the pilot will be seen by the Steering Committee that has selected representatives from EFP, ILO, STEVTA, QAB, NAVTTC, MOPHRD, TTB, BE&OE, PWF and OEC.
Once the pilot has ended, the Steering Committee will determine if they have an operational framework to replicate the NSP across Pakistan.
National Skills Passport is being introduced in Pakistan with a pilot program. The purpose is to formally recognize the skills of workers, returning and migrant workers to help them with better work opportunities.